Monday, June 28, 2004


Excellent Slashdot Haiku

Slashdot is really interesting; all sorts of idioms over there. One of them that I like is the Haiku posts. Make a relevant point about the news item in Haiku form. Often funny. Slashdot posters are also well known for their lack of mastery of the English language.

Re:He wasn't fired... (Score:5, Funny)
by Epistax (544591) on Sunday June 27, @08:48PM (#9546919)
(Last Journal: Friday August 22, @11:36AM)
That is no Haiku.
Hakui's fit a form factor.
That has no timing.

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Re:He wasn't fired... (Score:5, Funny)
by asr_man (620632) on Sunday June 27, @11:08PM (#9547714)

Apostrophe s
makes possessive, not plural
except it's (it is).

Wednesday, June 16, 2004


I don't like this new word "scanlation"

Keep translations and scans separate. Anyway, there's a post over on about fan-based manga translation. No mention of a certain open source software package for manga translation, but that is ok.

Saturday, June 12, 2004


I wanna eat Fugu

I'm testing this blogging thing. I already have a web page up at but it seems like these are all the rage now...

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